Lifestyle / July 20, 2020

Happiness Comes From Being Present

“Story of the Purple Ribbon”

Once upon a time, there was a Purple Ribbon…

“I dream to be the perfect bow on a birthday present!” The Purple Ribbon said with excitement. 

But over time, she had yet to reach this dream. Purple Ribbon became stressed and unhappy as the disappointments continued to increase every day. She pushed away and refused to listen or accept any opportunity that comes forth because she was so determined to be a perfect bow for a birthday present and nothing else.

One day, she bumped into Red Ribbon, and he started to share with her how it was his dream to become the perfect Christmas bow, but that also required him to wait until Christmas comes. It was a looong wait, which caused him to be very disappointed and sad. Red Ribbon began to explain, 

“As I continued to wait, I realized I never wondered WHY I wanted to be a perfect Christmas bow…why was I feeling so stressed and sad everyday because of this dream? Then I noticed the reason why I wanted to be a perfect Christmas bow was to bring joy to others!” 

“One day I woke up feeling upset again and a question came to mind – What if instead of a perfect bow, I’m actually meant to be a happy ribbon? And that question changed how I see my dream…instead of focusing on how to become a perfect bow, I focused on being a happy ribbon. Something to think about, Purple Ribbon! ” Red ribbon smiled while waving goodbye. 

Purple Ribbon pondered on what Red Ribbon said. She became curious in thinking why she wanted to be a perfect birthday bow in the first place. 

“Red Ribbon is right. No one wants a sad and stressed ribbon…all I ever dreamed of is to be a happy ribbon for birthday occasions! I need to be happy again! ” Purple Ribbon thought.

As Purple Ribbon pondered on how to be happy again, she wondered if instead of striving over being the perfect birthday bow, all she had to do was simply be thankful for who she is. 

The next day, as Purple Ribbon slowly allowed what Red Ribbon said to sink into her heart, she starts to be more thankful for being a purple ribbon! For once, she decided to pay attention to the daily opportunities that come her way. 

She began to listen… 

“Woo!! I’d like this purple ribbon for my flowers!” 

“Wow. This purple ribbon would be lovely on my dress!” 

“I need this beautiful purple ribbon for a wedding gift!”

Purple Ribbon was surprised by what she heard!

“I never knew I could be more than a birthday bow…” Purple Ribbon smiled.

When Purple Ribbon embraces who she is in the present moment, her dream went from being perfect to being present, and that’s what truly brought joy to her heart.

Key to Happiness: Pay attention, be present.

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness–it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” -Brene Brown